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At the inception of Shake Hands With the World in 2017, we had a goal of raising $15,000. Through the sale of our bags and along with some very generous contributions, we have raised just over $25,000 to date. As a result, we have been able to support several meaningful and significant efforts for the underprivileged children of Vietnam. As we continue to produce and sell bags, we will continue our vision to provide hope and help to those in need around the world.

Duc Son Orphanage | Hue | 2017-2019

$15,000 goal to build an organic mushroom farm
The bulk of the proceeds from the original sail bags were part of a goal to raise $15,000 to fund a project that would help sustain the Duc Son Orphanage by developing an organic mushroom hothouse and farm. It was successful and now the children enjoy the mushrooms as a part of their healthier daily diet, and many of the children learned valuable skills by participating in the building of the mushroom farm.

Protein-rich food for the Duc Son children
We also collaborated with a local friend and her family to donate a portion of our funds to purchasing protein-rich meals once a week for six months for the children at the orphanage. At the time, the orphanage could only afford protein in the children’s meals once a month.

STREETS International | Hoi An | 2018 - Present

$7,800 for four scholarships
SHWTW donated $7,800 to provide four scholarships to attend the highly-acclaimed, 18-month culinary and hospitality training program in Hoi An through STREETS International.

Two of the four young adults selected to attend were from the Duc Son Orphanage and two were from the Uu Dam Orphanage in Hue. They are all now speaking English and learning extensively about the hospitality industry. They are happy, and their futures are bright. 

We will continue to support and provide scholarships to STREETS with the funds raised from the purchase of our sail bags.

Additional Orphanages in Need | 2019 - Present

Uu Dam Orphanage | Hue
Miss Lam introduced us to a new, fledgling orphanage on the outskirts of Hue. The children in this orphanage have an age span of one to eighteen years, and are either in a tutoring program for the youngest, enrolled in the local school system, or attending the university in Hue. The orphanage is clean and bright and the children are very well cared for but they operate on a financial shoestring. SHWTW is assisting by providing scholarships for crucial continuing education to the two oldest students, who are currently enrolled in the University of Hue.

Te Phan Loving Orphanage | Saigon/Ho Chi Minh City
Mrs. Nguyen introduced us to an orphanage located near the HCMC airport, which is an oasis of inspiration within a crowded, busy district. There are forty-five residents from three months of age to forty-four years old, and all are disabled. SHWTW has committed to finding the best way to provide hope and assistance.

For more photographs and greater detail on our past and ongoing projects, please visit our news page.